patronize meaning in english

patronize - Spanish meanings of word patronize - Spanish to Engish.
Results 1 - 7 of 7. Translation for 'to patronize' in the free English-Czech dictionary and many other Czech translations.
patronize meaning in english
English to Arabic meaning of patronize : مر.English to Arabic meaning of patronize(not patronizes) : مر.
Patronise definition, to give (a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.). Use Patronise in a sentence. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition.
patronize verb (BE CUSTOMER) - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for patronize verb (BE CUSTOMER): to be a regular customer of a shop.
patronize meaning in english
to patronize - Czech translation - English-Czech dictionary.
Meaning of the word ‎patronize in English Arabic Dictionary of terms.
Forums WR - discussions dont le titre comprend le(s) mot(s) "patronizing" : condescending or patronizing · patronizing git · Poser la question dans les.
patronize definition: Patronize means to be a regular customer of a business. ( verb) An example of patronize is going to a specific café every morning..
patronize - Macmillan Dictionary.
patronize - Meaning of patronize | Sinhala - English Dictionary.
patronizing - English-French Dictionary
patronize - Meaning in Kannada and English - Shabdkosh.
patronize - German meanings of word patronize.. to Engish Dictionary gives you the best and accurate German meanings of patronize.. English to German.